Railex Conveyor Corp is looking for manufactures agents to represent our products across the USA. All territorities are available. If interested, please call (516) 983-6527 and ask for Richard.
Independent reps needed for covers and pads for laundry and drycleaning plants. High commissions paid weekly and no up front investment on rep’s part. Large territories are available. Mechanics, etc., welcome. Zellermayer Corp, 800/431-2244 or [email protected].
Expanding? Consolidating? Renovating? Relocating? We provide cost-saving plant layouts. Visit www.drycleandesign.com. Email: [email protected]. Phone 618/531-1214.
Without-A-Trace: Chosen the best in the U.S. by the Robb Report. Over 50 years experience. Experts in silk, knits, French weaving and piece weaving. For more information, please view our web site. Without-A-Trace Weavers, 3344 West Bryn Mawr, Chicago, IL, 60659. 1-800-475-4922.